Their leonine appearances makes picking out the right Bengal cat names for your growing feline brood a difficult task, but there's a perfect name out there for a cat of every personality. From the common to the unusual, here are a 143 different Bengal cat names befitting of the noble breed.
Bengal Cat Names Befitting of Their Appearance
Bengal cats are equipped with incredibly silky coats that are full of either warm, earth colors or smoky tones. They can come in a variety of patterns such as rosettes, marbles, spots, and stripes. Here are a few cat names to match their overall appearance.
- Sable
- Saffron
- Butterscotch
- Patches
- Tiger
- Sandy
- Twix
- Blacky
- Topaz
- Auburn
- Cinnamon
- Tootsie
- Carrot
- Sandstorm
- Ranger
- Spots
- Cheetara
- Maple
- Citron
- Sunny
- Amber
- Benji
- Lionors
- Jade
- Sienna
- Umber

Regal Bengal Cat Names
This luxurious breed deserves to have names as stately and regal sounding as their appearance suggests, and these are a number of perfect regal sounding names to gift to your new baby Bengal.
- Beryl
- Onyx
- Royce
- Godiva
- Anastasia
- Esther
- Genevieve
- Tiberius
- Lucretia
- Serena
- Eleanor
- Aurora
- Oscar
- Cosima
- Philip
- Kingston
- Adela
- Evelyn
- Bates
- Hale
- Kipling
- Admiral

Traditional Hindu Names for Bengal Cats
If you'd like to honor the regional origins of this Indian breed, then look through these traditional Hindu names.
- Amar
- Heena
- Priya
- Bagheera
- Roma
- Inesh
- Gopi
- Daya
- Raja
- Shiva
- Jiya
- Balraj
- Ravi
- Simar
- Indra
- Sanket
- Meera
- Devi
- Jeet
- Kanti
- Yasmin

Bengal Cat Names From the Natural World
The Bengal cat evokes a sense of the wilds in the way that it moves and interacts, making names that come from the natural world perfect for this breed.
- Cove
- Fawn
- Blaze
- Ash
- Anise
- Meadow
- Rocky
- Juniper
- Sierra
- Clay
- Ember
- Willow
- Gale
- Hazel
- Autumn
- Rowan
- Wren
- Magnolia
- Zinnia
- Poppy
- Dalia
- Paloma
- Imelda
- Gable

Glamorous Bengal Cat Names
If your new Bengal baby has taken to swishing their tail and giving you the perfect angle for which to take their picture, then you should think about giving them one of these glamorous names.
- Harlow
- Ava
- Marlena
- Claude
- Hattie
- Astra
- Fay
- Josephine
- Veronica
- Conrad
- Ginger
- Audrey
- Olivia
- Lottie
- Tallulah
- Clark
- Elvira
- Marlon
- Rita
- Rex
- Lionel
- Kirk
- Theda
- Vivien
- Yvonne
- Cosmo

Mythical Bengal Cat Names
For those of you who are interested in global mythology or just want your cat's name to stand out on your veterinarian's check-in board, try out one of these mythical names.
- Atlas
- Dante
- Adonis
- Daphne
- Ajax
- Cassandra
- Janus
- Bastet
- Sindri
- Midas
- Andromeda
- Isis
- Calliope
- Hathor
- Iris
- Helios
- Pollux
- Fortuna
- Leander
- Echo
- Medea
- Circe
- Eros
- Devi

There's No Rush
An important thing to remember when trying to name a new pet is that there's no rush to finding the perfect name. If you switch up their name within their first few days of you having them, that's perfectly all right. Sometimes, it takes a while to know exactly which name is perfect for your baby Bengal, but you can't go wrong picking out one of these Bengal cat names for your new best friend.