Learn Facts About Persian Cats

Persians are exquisitely beautiful and make wonderful home companions, but there are some fascinating facts about Perisans that you may not already know. Expand your knowledge so you can decide if this just might be the perfect pet for you.
Cobby and Cuddly

The Persian is quite different from slender cats like the sleek Siamese or the Egyptian Mau. Persians are cobby with short legs and heavy bodies. They are not athletic by nature, but they make up for that with their grace and elegance. Once you've held a Persian, you'll know what it's truly like to cuddle.
Gentle by Nature

Some cats can be quite boisterous at times, but the typical Persian has impeccable manners. This is one cat breed that gets along well with children and other pets, as long as both are gentle in return.
Soft Spoken

The Persian has a whisper-soft voice and uses it sparingly. This is one cat that will never pester you with constant meowing.
Beautiful Face

The Persian has a very distinctive face. The head is rather round, and the cheeks are quite full. The nose is set deep in the head so that the face is nearly flat when viewed from the side.
Mesmerizing Eyes

The Persian's beautifully rounded eyes are one of its most striking features, and the colors are amazing. Himalayan Persians always have piercing blue eyes. Other striking colors include shades of gold and copper as well as brilliant greens.
Luxurious Fur

The Persian's long, full coat is its crowning glory. The coat requires daily combing to keep it clean and in top condition. An additional monthly grooming appointment will maintain the Persian's splendor.
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Health Concerns

Good grooming is essential for this breed. The folds of the Persian's face must be wiped clean each day when you groom your cat in order to prevent sores from forming where the moisture from the eyes collects. Combing also removes debris and loose hair. These cats are also a bit more prone to respiratory issues than some breeds.
Living Works of Art

For all the care they require, Persians reward their human companions with a lifetime of affection. It's truly a privilege to share your life with one of these beauties.
If you enjoyed learning about the Persian, check out Himalayan Cats. Although Himalayans are only considered a color variety of the Persian by some cat associations, they are considered a breed in their own right by other clubs.