Gray cats range in shade from deep steely tones to silvery shimmers, depending on the breed and coat. Finding names for gray cats can come from many sources of inspiration related to this color with a mysterious, quiet aura.
Gray Cat Names Based on Things That Are Gray
One can look at the environment around them for everyday objects or qualities that are shades of gray as inspiration. Some possible ideas for gray cat names include:
- Agate
- Armour
- Arsenic
- Ash or Asher
- Asphalt
- Battleship
- Brick
- Buckle
- Bullet
- Carbon
- Chalcedony
- Cinder
- Cobalt
- Coin
- Concrete
- Dagger
- Dapple
- Dime
- Dolphin
- Dove
- Elephant
- Foil
- Granite
- Graphite
- Grizzle
- Hematite
- Iron
- Jasper
- Katana
- Marble
- Mercury
- Metal
- Moonstone
- Mouse
- Mushroom
- Nickel
- Obsidian
- Oyster
- Paver
- Pearl
- Pepper
- Powder
- Pyrite
- Quartz
- Shark
- Shimmer
- Statue
- Sterling
- Stone or Stony
- Sword
- Thimble
- Tin
- Tourmaline
- Tuna
- Willow
- Wolf
Names for Gray Cats That Mean Gray
There are names from ancient and modern languages that relate to the color gray or shades of gray.
- Arcene (are-seen) - A French female name that means "silvery."
- Arian or Ariana (air-ee-an or air-ee-an-ah) - A Welsh male or female name that means "silver."
- Caeso (case-oh) - A male name from ancient Rome that means "blue gray."
- Farran (far-en) - An old English male name that means "iron gray."
- Ferrand (fehr-und) - A male French name that means "gray haired."
- Gin (jihn) - A Japanese female name that means "silver."
- Gláucio (glau-sho) - A Portuguese male name that means "blue gray."
- Glaucus (glau-cuss) - A male Greek name that means "blue gray" and was a Greek god of the sea.
- Gnishilda (gnis-hil-da) - A Dutch female name that means "gray battle maid."
- Griselda (gri-zehl-deh) - A Spanish female name that means "gray battle."
- Griselle (gri-zel) - A French version of Griselda.
- Griswald - A German male name that means "from the gray forest."
- Hartun or Horton - An English boy name that means "from the gray estate."
- Jumana (joo-ma-nah) - An Arabic female name that means "silver pearl."
- Lesley or Leslie - A unisex name with Celtic/Irish origins that means "from the gray fortress."
- Liadan (lee-din) - An Irish female name that means "gray lady."
- Lloyd (loid) - A male Welsh/English name that means "gray."
- Masichuvio (ma-sic-hu-vio) - A Native American Hopi male name that means "gray deer."
- Rajat or Rajata (ruh-juht or ruh-juht-ah) - A Hindu male or female name that means "silver."
- Simab (seh-mahb) - A male Muslim name that means "mercury" or "quicksilver."
- Yin (een) - A Chinese female name that means "silver" or "polite."
- Zelde or Zelda - A German female name that means "gray haired battle maiden."
- Zezili or Zezilia (ze-zi-lee or ze-zi-lia) - A female with Latin/Basque origins that means "gray eyes" or "blind."
Names Based on Shades of Gray
Gray comes in many shades and hues and these color shading descriptions can make for pretty cat names for greys of different breeds.
- Cadet
- Charcoal
- Heather
- Marengo
- Pewter
- Platinum
- Puce
- Silver
- Slate
- Smoke or Smokey
- Steel
- Sterling
- Xanadu
Gray Weather Cat Names
Some people love gray, rainy weather and terms to describe overcast days are a good fit for gray cats.
- Cloudy
- Dusky
- Foggy
- Frosty
- Gloom or gloomy
- Haze
- Misty
- Shady
- Shadow or Shadowy
- Storm or Stormy
- Tempest
- Winter or Wintery
Cat Names Based on Gray in Other Languages
If you speak a language other than English, you might want to name your gray cat the word "gray" in another tongue.
- Caapan (kah-pahn) - Mongolian
- Cinzento (sin-zen-toe) - Portuguese
- Gray - English
- Gris (gree) - French and Spanish
- Grisa (gree-sah) - Basque
- Grigio (gree-jho) - Italian
- Grå (grah) - Norwegian
- Grau (graoh) - German
- Gri (gree) - Romanian
- Gurē (gure-eh) - Japanese
- Harmaa (harm-ah) - Finnish
- Hina (hee-nah) - Maori
- Huise (hwi-seh) - Chinese
- Kelabu (kel-ah-bu) - Malay
- Kijivu (kee-jee-vu) - Swahili
- Kulay-abo (coo-lay-ah-bow) - Filipino
- Liath (lee-ath) - Irish
- Llwyd (loid) - Welsh
- Màu xám (mow zam) - Vietnamese
- Pelēks (pael-lecks) - Latvian
- Pilkas (pel-kas) - Lithuanian
- Šedǻ (sheh-da) - Czech
- Seryy(serry) - Russian
- Siva (seeva) - Bosnian, Croatian and Slovenian
- Szary (sari) - Polish
- Szürke (syrke) - Hungarian
Choosing Your Gray Cat's Name
There are several cat breeds that come in gray like Korats, Russian Blues and Persians. Whether it's a bluish-gray shade or a silvery or smoky Chinchilla, gray cats are uniquely lovely and deserve a name that elevates their subtle and magical coloring.