Coming up with a creative name for your cat can be a lot of fun. While you may certainly decide on a name based on your cat's behavior or other breed characteristics, why not take it one step further with a selection of cat pun names too? From Meowrio to Tabbytha, you'll find some terrific ideas across several cat-egories (pun intended!).
Furmidable Movies and TV Shows
From real actors to fictional characters, these fun (or pun) cat names could be pawfect for the feline in your life.
- Billy Bobtail Thornton (Billy Bob Thornton)
- Cat LeBlanc (Matt LeBlanc)
- Catman (Batman)
- Catnip Everdeen (Katniss Everdeen, The Hunger Games)
- Christofur Reeve (Christopher Reeve)
- Clawdia Sniffer (Claudia Schiffer)
- Colin Furreal (Colin Farrell)
- David Spayed (David Spade)
- Draco Meowfoy (Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter)
- Ferris Mewller (Ferris Bueller)
- Fleas Witherspoon (Reese Witherspoon)
- Henry Clawvill (Henry Cavill)
- Jane Klawkowski (Jane Krakowski)
- Jean-Clawed Van Damme (Jean-Claude Van Damme)
- Jennifur Aniston (Jennifer Aniston)
- Jude Paw (Jude Law)
- Kitsten Litter (Krysten Ritter)
- Martin Shorthair (Martin Short)
- Maru Tyler Meowr (Mary Tyler Moore)
- Padley Cooper (Bradley Cooper)
- Pawdrey Hepburn (Audrey Hepburn)
- Puma Thurman (Uma Thurman)
- Ron Furgingly (Ron Burgundy, Anchorman)
- Ser Gregor "The Meowtain" Clegane (Gregor Clegane, Game of Thrones)
- Tabby Maguire (Tobey Maguire)
- Teri Scratcher (Teri Hatcher)
- The Color Purr-ple (The Color Purple)
- Will Feral (Will Ferrell)
- William Scratchner (William Shatner)
Give Paws for Historical Figures
It's thought that the Ancient Egyptians first domesticated cats some 4,000 years ago. Cats have had a long-standing relationship with humans, leading to some fun feline names inspired by notable figures in history.

- Abraham Lynxing (Abraham Lincoln)
- Aslan Furrying (Alan Turing)
- Bruce Flea (Bruce Lee)
- Catpernipuss (Copernicus)
- Chairman Meow Zedong (Mao Zedong)
- Charles Kittens (Charles Dickens)
- Cleocatra (Cleopatra)
- Don Kitty-ote (Don Quixote)
- Dwight D. Eisenpurr (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
- Fidel Catstro (Fidel Castro)
- Genghis Khat (Genghis Khan)
- Giacomeow Catsanova (Giacomo Casanova)
- Hairy Houdini (Harry Houdini)
- Juan Pounce de Lion (Juan Ponce de Leon)
- Kitstofurr Clawlumbus (Christopher Columbus)
- Maru Shedding (Mary Shelley)
- Mufasa Kemeow Cataturk (Mustafa Kemal Ataturk)
- Pablo Picatso (Pablo Picasso)
- Pawcahontas (Pocahontas)
- Pope John Paw II (Pope John Paul II)
- Purrnest Hemingway (Ernest Hemingway)
- Walt Whiskersman (Walt Whitman)
- William Shakespurr (William Shakespeare)
Meowgnificent Video Games
Break out your laser pointers and catnip-laden stuffed mice on strings! It's time to get into the game and play with your kitty of choice. You'll love these cat names, puns and all.
- Catris (Tetris)
- Ezio Clawditore de Furrenzy (Ezio Auditore de Firenze, Assassin's Creed)
- Gordon Fleaman (Gordon Freeman, Half-Life)
- Kit Daddy (Big Daddy, BioShock)
- Kit Kitcarus (Kid Icarus)
- Kitty Kong (Diddy Kong, Donkey Kong series)
- Lara Clawft (Lara Croft, Tomb Raider)
- Marcus Felynx (Marcus Fenix, Gears of War)
- Pi-cat-treat (Pikachu, Pokemon)
- Purrince of Persia (Prince of Persia)
- Purrincess Peach (Princess Peach, Mario Bros. series)
- Sam-mews Aran (Samus Aran, Metroid)
- Servalntes de Lion (Cervantes de Leon, Soulcalibur)
- Supaw Meowrio (Super Mario)
Star Wars Cat Tails
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, cats took over the Internet with endless memes. May the "furce" be with you?

- Admiral Catbar (Admiral Ackbar)
- Anakin Skywhisker (Anakin Skywalker)
- Coruscat (Coruscant)
- Darth Meowl (Darth Maul)
- Emperor Pawpawtine (Emperor Palpatine)
- Lando Catrissian (Lando Calrissian)
- Lightsabertooth (Lightsaber)
- Meowllennium Falcon (Millennium Falcon)
- Mewbacca (Chewbacca)
- Mewmew-8 (BB-8)
- Nyanboo (Naboo)
- Obi-claw Kitnobi (Obi-wan Kenobi)
- R2-Mewtoo (R2-D2)
- Revenge of the Hiss (Revenge of the Sith)
- Stormtroopurr (Stormtrooper)
- The Empire Stripes Back (The Empire Strikes Back)
- The Furst Order (The First Order)
- Wikitten W. Warcat (Wicken W. Warrick)
Mewsical Artists and Bands
While strays caterwauling in the back alley may not exactly be music to your ears, these punny cat names just might rock your world.
- Bing Clawsby (Bing Crosby)
- Bob Meowrley (Bob Marley)
- Careless Whisker ("Careless Whisper" by George Michael)
- Cat Benatar (Pat Benatar)
- Catsy Cline (Patsy Cline)
- Cheshire Bennington (Chester Bennington, Linkin Park)
- Concheetah Furst (Conchita Wurst)
- Cypuss Hill (Cypress Hill)
- Def Leopard (Def Leppard)
- Econolion Crush (Econoline Crush)
- Furgie (Fergie)
- Kitten Rock (Kid Rock)
- Kitty Purry (Katy Perry)
- Kitty Smalls (Biggie Smalls, aka Notorious B.I.G.)
- Manx Weinberg (Max Weinberg, E Street Band)
- Meowley Cyrus (Miley Cyrus)
- Paw McCartney (Paul McCartney)
- Paw-Purr Roach (Papa Roach)
- Randy Mewman (Randy Newman)
- Stompin' Tomcat Connors (Stompin' Tom Connors)
- Wilhelm Sphynx (Billy Joe Armstrong, aka Wilhelm Fink of Green Day)
Purrsonality Cat Pun Names
Looking for the perfect name to fit your cat's personality? Look no further than these purrfect purr-sonality puns.
- Catitude
- Catastrophe
- Purrfect
- Bossy paws
- Hypurr
- Clawful
- Purrty
- Furr-endly
- Cat-atonic
- Hiss-terical
- Paw-some
- Purr-ceptive
- Meow-low
- Claw-cious
- Com-paw-sionate
- Furr-giving
- Paw-lite
- Cat-scientious
- Purr-liable
- Paw-sionate
More Punny Cat Names
Just like the cat fur that you can never keep off your couch, kitty names can play on just about anything.

- Cat 'n Planet (Captain Planet)
- Catsup and Meowstard (ketchup and mustard)
- Catticus Finch (Atticus Finch)
- False Pawsitive (false positive)
- Fuzz Fishup (Buzz Bishop, radio DJ)
- Hairy Pawter (Harry Potter)
- Hobbes Goblin (Hobgoblin, Spider-Man)
- Hooked on a Feline ("Hooked on a Feeling" by Blue Swede)
- J.K. Rawrling (J.K. Rowling)
- J.R.R. Tallkitten (J.R.R. Tolkien)
- Meowtain Mew (Mountain Dew)
- Mike Pawsome (Mike Awesome, pro wrestler)
- Oedipuss (Oedipus)
- Patrick Meowrleau (Patrick Marleau, NHL player)
- Pawlywood Pawlk Pogan (Hollywood Hulk Hogan)
- Penn and Tailer (Penn and Teller)
- Peter Panther (Peter Pan)
- Santa Claws (Santa Claus)
- Stan Leo (Stan Lee)
- Stone Cold Steve Pawstin (Stone Cold Steve Austin, pro wrestler)
- Tabby-ela Sabitini (Gabriella Sabitini)
- The Wizard of Paws (The Wizard of Oz)
- Tig Tiggler (Zig Ziglar)
- Venti catpuccino (venti cappuccino)
- Yarnold Palmer (Arnold Palmer)
The Right Catitude for Kitten Around
Cats are full of personality and so their names should reflect this playful, creative energy. Whether you're an avid gamer or you want to give your cat a name inspired by your favorite movie star, there's a pun for you. Keep the laughs going with some funny fish names and dog puns too!