What to Do if Your Cat Has Bloody Stools

Veterinarian examining cat

It's not necessarily time to panic if your cat has blood in his stool. A case of constipation can cause some bleeding, but it's also important to understand some of the other, more serious reasons your kitty may have blood in his poop.

Reasons for Blood in Cats' Stools

According to Vet Info.com, bloody stool in cats may indicate some conditions, including:

When to See Your Vet About Your Cat or Kitten Pooping Blood

Call your vet as soon as possible if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Bright red blood (more than a single time or more than a speck)
  • Problems defecating, such as significant straining when trying to defecate
  • Significant increase in number of times cat defecates each day

Additional Symptoms to Watch for With Bloody Stool

Sometimes bloody stools are just one sign something is wrong. If your pet has any accompanying symptoms, such as those listed below, that is even more reason to call your vet.

Diagnosing the Cause of Bloody Stool in Cats

Determining what's causing the bleeding can be a complicated process. It includes examining the cat and a sample of its feces, running tests, and gathering information to get a better idea of what's been going on.

Tests Commonly Used for Diagnosing Blood in Poop

According to Vet Info.com, there are several tests your veterinarian may decide to run:

  • Examination of the rectal area
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  • Profile of chemicals in your cat's blood
  • Urinalysis
  • Testing of fecal material
  • X-rays or ultrasound of the abdominal area
  • Colonoscopy

Questions Your Vet May Ask

Your vet will also need to gather as much information from you as possible to reach an accurate diagnosis. Typical questions might include:

  • Could your cat have eaten spoiled food or ingested nonfood items, such as bones?
  • Has there been a recent change in your pet's diet?
  • Has your cat eaten any people food? If so, what?
  • Has your cat experienced any trauma to the anal area, such as a bite from another animal or a blunt force injury?
  • Have you noticed the cat rubbing its rear on the carpets? This could indicate anal sac problems.

Hematochezia or Melena?

The state of the blood in a cat's stools can also give the vet a better idea of where the bleeding is coming from.

  • Hematochezia is the presence of a bright red blood in the stool. Bright red blood is usually an indication of bleeding in the lower intestines or rectum although the actual bleeding can be caused by a wide variety of problems such as parasites in younger cats and cancer in older cats. However, this is not always the case, and only your veterinarian can make a valid diagnosis by running tests, such as the ones listed above
  • Melena is a dark, tar-like feces. This is often caused by passing older blood, which indicates a problem higher in the intestines instead of the lower tract.

Possible Treatments for Bloody Stool in Kittens and Cats

Depending upon the results of the tests, your vet may recommend some of the following treatments to help relieve your feline of his or her bloody stools:

  • Veterinarian giving pill to cat
    Prescription foods or a new diet to help ease the strain on the intestines
  • Fluid therapy to treat dehydration and help fight off an infection
  • Medication to treat internal parasites
  • Antibiotics, if your cat has a bacterial infection
  • Drugs that can slow the movement of food through your cat's intestines

Take a Stool Sample to Your Vet

Whenever you notice your cat has bloody stools, be sure to collect the fecal matter for examination. Place the stool sample into a plastic baggie and take it to your vet as soon as you can. This is probably the first and easiest test your veterinarian can run, and it will tell you if there is an infestation of most common parasites. Most conditions are easier to treat at the onset, so seek veterinary care for your cat any time significant health changes occur.

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What to Do if Your Cat Has Bloody Stools