If you have recently brought home a new little ball of fluff, it helps to look over some adorable Himalayan kitten names for inspiration. Whether your beautiful new kitty is a boy or a girl, the perfect name is out there. Try some inspired by the Himalayan Mountains or the culture of Tibet!
Choosing a Great Name for Your Himalayan Kitten
You may not want to give your beautiful Himalayan kitten a commonplace cat name like Fluffy, Mittens or Tom. Maybe you want the name to be as majestic and exotic as the Himalayas themselves, or perhaps you want something with an Asian flair that describes a characteristic of your cat. Not to worry, there are plenty of those types of names available.
You will want to take the following facts about your cat and your lifestyle into consideration before you choose a cute Himalayan kitten name.
Sex of Your Kitten
While it may not matter to some people, and certainly not to your kitten, many people try to name their new kitten a name that depicts the sex of their cat.
Special Markings
If your cat has intense blue eyes or a unique pattern to her coat, you might consider naming her after that characteristic. Maybe something about her coat reminds you of the snowy peaks of the Himalayan Mountains and you want to name her Chomolangma which means Goddess of the Snow.
A Name that You Like
Be sure to say the name you are considering out loud a few times. Does it feel right? Is it comfortable to say? Will you be able to spell it for your vet?
Choosing Cute Himalayan Kitten Names
Here are some names that are associated with the Himalayan Mountains and the surrounding area. As you go through the list, make a note of a few of them that you like best. Carry the list around for a few days and cross off the names that you lose interest in.
There are some fascinating place names in the Himalayas that you can choose to name your new kitten. Place names often have exotic connotations and meanings.
Name | Meaning | Sex | Describes |
Dhaulagiri | White Mountain | Female | Seventh highest peak |
Everest | Highest Mountain Peak | Male | Highest peak in the world |
Kutang | Mountain of the Spirit | Either | Eighth highest peak |
Makalu | The Great Black | Either | Fifth highest peak |
Nanda Devi | Bliss giving goddess | Female | Highest peak in India |
Many people have tried to climb the Himalayan Mountains. Some have perished in the attempt while others have become heroes. Naming your kitten after one of these people may appeal to you if you love history and adventure.
Name | Who | Sex |
Mackins | Climbed without oxygen | Male |
Mallory | Attempted first ascent | Either |
Odell | First ascent of Nanda Devi | Male |
Whittaker | First American to summit Everest | Male |
Miscellaneous Names
The Tibetan language is full of fascinating names. Even naming your kitten "Socks" can be unique when you use a Tibetan word.
Name | Who/What | Sex | Details |
Amrita | N/A | Female | Means ambrosia |
Assam | Place | Male | Tea |
Bhasundara | Goddess | Female | Prosperity |
Ceba | N/A | Either | Dear to hold |
Dordje | N/A | Male | Thunderbolt |
Garkan | N/A | Either | Dancer |
Jalus | N/A | Either | Rainbow |
Jigme | N/A | Either | Fearless |
Kim | Character | Either | Book by Kipling |
Kitsi | N/A | Either | Tickle |
Laysa | Goddess | Female | Beauty |
Lah-Mo | Goddess | Female | Fierce |
Poso | N/A | Either | Glory |
Seba | N/A | Either | Reward |
Shambhala | Place | Female | Mythical city |
Shangri-La | Place | Female | Setting in Lost Horizon |
Somba | Item | Either | Socks |
Yeti | Creature | Male | Mysterious primate rumored to roam the Himalayas |
Zopa | Character trait | Either | Patience |
Other Names
Just because your kitten is a Himalayan doesn't mean you have to stick with a Himalayan name. There are thousands of kitten names that you may like better. You might want to name your kitten after a favorite character in a book, a place you love or even an item of food. Consider these other names for your kitten:
- Ansel
- Cali
- Cheetoes
- Chipotle
- Cinnamon
- Dusty
- Paddington
- Poem
- Pooh
- Smoky
Teaching Your Kitten Her Name
Once you have decided on a name for your cat, you need to begin calling her by that name. When you are feeding her, speak her name often and pet her so she associates her name with good things. Talk to her often so that she can learn to interact with you.Choosing a cute Himalayan kitten name might be difficult, but you will know it once you get the right one. Your kitten will have her name for a long time, so be sure that the one you choose fits her, and you, perfectly.