Cat Wallpaper Backgrounds

If you're looking for cat wallpapers to use as backgrounds for your computer, you'll appreciate the images in this slideshow. Each is distinctly different, yet perfect for wallpaper background.
The yellow cat pictured here is eye-catching, but the white background is perfect for positioning desktop icons for everyday use.
Cat in Meadow

This gray cat is positioned smack dab in the middle of a flowering meadow. The meadow and surrounding background is a dark enough green to make a nice desktop background. The cat is an added bonus for the enjoyment of cat lovers.
Funny Cat

Have a cat that loves to flop over on his back for belly rubs? You'll probably appreciate this picture as a possible wallpaper for your computer. This cat looks like he is just waiting for someone to come along and pet him.
Black Backgrounds

If you like a computer wallpaper that is a little different, consider this solid black background with big yellow/green cat eyes. Most program icons are colored, so they should show up nicely on the solid black areas.
White Background

This yellow cat on a white wall would make a great wallpaper for people who have a lot of icons to organize. Be careful not to disturb the cat though. He looks a little irritated, and he's resting so well.
Cat Close-up

Another unique idea for a desktop background is this close-up image of a gray cat's face. The color is solid enough that icons should show up well on it. Position them in a circle around the eyes or in a traditional square or rectangular format.
Cat Sniffing Tulip

If you want to add a little spring into your day, you can use this image of a cat sniffing a flower to brighten up your computer desktop.
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Colored Background

Add some splashes of color with this vivid green and yellow picture as your wallpaper. Either position icons along the bottom on the solid green or splash them across the cat's body.

The solid orange couch is perfect for icons, and the cat peeking out along the bottom adds a fun touch.
For other ideas for wallpapers, check out our Kittens Wallpaper slideshow.